Basics Boxing is a coaching intensive with Erin holding focus mitts and supervising technique. You are expected to know your left from your right, and to be able to count (quickly) to 20 to be able to follow a basic boxing format. This class is designed to build on your fitness, technique and confidence so that you can choose from any class on our group timetable.
Perfect for:
Mums and Dads
Tweens and teens
Return from injury
First time exercisers
Technique correction
Anyone who wants a fully supervised 30 minutes of high intensity training
Fitness and experience level intermediate - advanced.
One to two classes of FIGHT FITNESS classes will replace seven days at the gym because of our intensive weight bearing and metabolic training.
Our group sessions combine H.I.I.T. and H.I.R.T. with BOXING and KICKBOXING to develop your STRENGTH, SPEED and ENDURANCE.
We utilise the best equipment in the most innovative functional fitness programs - bags, weights, chin bars, slam balls, plyometric jump boxes, hex weights, kettlebells, torsion bars, sand bags and tyres with new programs EVERY class. It really is a group personal coaching session for this reason.
If you have tried Les Mills, Bootcamps and other group classes and are bored, unchallenged, haven't gained muscle... then you need to try one of our classes!
Enforcing correct techniques is a MUST. This is not a class that you will be babied in.
A workout that is fast and furious to get those endorphins charging, achieve results FAST and have you coming back for more. No time for standing around the drink fountain or talking about what we are doing!
If you are unsure whether you are fit enough for these classes, please try one of our BACK TO BASICS classes to prepare you for this face paced workout.
KIDS earn self defence and assertiveness skills Ages 3-10 50 minute session $20 per child Programmed so that siblings and friends can learn safely together .
Learn BRAVE kids self defence essentials:
What to do if grabbed by a stranger?
What to do if locked in a car boot?
What to do if someone hurts your friend?
What if someone you know is hurting you?
And other cool BRAVE KIDS stuff.
We are A.S.D. friendly: - short class time - repetitive strategies - emotional intelligence strategies - active learning - adult expectations left at the door
Come and refresh your skills (we always learn something new) or just come for a one of safety smash.
Do you want to be taught self protection and rape prevention strategies, no matter your level of mobility?
How to rescue a child snatched from your arms?
Learn defences against strangulation, front attacks, rear attack, thrown to the ground (sexual assault), weapon assaults and kidnapping.
Want them to hear from an expert how to use simple measures to keep yourself and your family safe?
Easy to learn... but the most effective self defence system ever developed, by a woman, for all levels of fitness and body types. It is not a martial arts system that requires frequent and ongoing teaching to master only basic skills, it uses proven bio-mechanical strategies to target weaknesses and harness your physical and mental strength immediately - and without the need for weapons or commercial gimmicks. You have all the skills you need to be safe and powerful, you just need a good teachers to unlock your potential! RAVES reignites all of your superpowers to survive and thrive. One session is all it takes to empower and bring piece of mind using the proven R.A.V.E.S. system of self defence.
This is a fun, practical course that will teach you the ABC's of self defence and self awareness in crisis situations. Erin will teach you verbal boundaries and easy to remember skills that all ages and all levels of mobility can use safely and effectively. No martial arts experience is necessary!